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Willkommen in der farbenfrohen Welt von Bauxili, wo selbst die kleinsten Details ein Lächeln auf die Lippen zaubern! Unsere Bauxili Pappbecher sind nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch ein zauberhafter Blickfang auf jedem Kindergeburtstag, Picknick oder Familienausflug. Mit ihren verspielten Designs, die cartoonähnliche Tiere zeigen, die mit verschiedenen Instrumenten musizieren, bringen unsere Bauxili Pappbecher eine fröhliche Atmosphäre auf den Tisch. Vom lächelnden Nilpferd mit seiner Triangel bis zum quirligen Känguru mit seinem Xylophon – jedes Tier erzählt seine eigene Geschichte und lädt Kinder dazu ein, in eine Welt voller Abenteuer einzutauchen. Unsere Pappbecher sind aus hochwertigem, umweltfreundlichem Material hergestellt und frei von schädlichen Chemikalien. Sie sind robust genug, um den wilden Spielen und fröhlichen Lachen standzuhalten und dennoch leicht genug, um sie überall hin mitzunehmen. Bringen Sie Farbe und Freude auf den Tisch mit den Bauxili Pappbechern – ein Muss für alle kleinen Entdecker und große Träumer!

Paper Cup bauxili Amimals 10x250ml

incl. 20% tax.| excl. shipping costs
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Paper Cup bauxili Amimals 10x250ml

Welcome to the colorful world of Bauxili, where even the smallest details bring a smile to your face! Our Bauxili paper cups are not only practical but also a charming centerpiece at any children’s birthday party, picnic, or family outing.

With their playful designs featuring cartoon-like animals playing different instruments, our Bauxili paper cups bring a cheerful atmosphere to the table. From the smiling hippo with its triangle to the lively kangaroo with its xylophone – each animal tells its own story and invites children to dive into a world full of adventure.

Our paper cups are made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials and are free from harmful chemicals. They are sturdy enough to withstand wild play and cheerful laughter yet lightweight enough to take anywhere.

Bring color and joy to the table with Bauxili paper cups – a must-have for all little explorers and big dreamers!


incl. 20% tax. | excl. shipping costs

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Paper Cup bauxili Amimals 10x250ml

Welcome to the colorful world of Bauxili, where even the smallest details bring a smile to your lips! Our Bauxili paper cups are not only practical but also a delightful centerpiece at any children’s birthday party, picnic, or family outing.

With their playful designs featuring cartoon-like animals playing different instruments, our Bauxili paper cups bring a cheerful atmosphere to the table. From the smiling hippo with its triangle to the lively kangaroo with its xylophone – each animal tells its own story and invites children to dive into a world full of adventure.

Our paper cups are made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials and are free from harmful chemicals. They are sturdy enough to withstand wild play and cheerful laughter yet lightweight enough to take anywhere.

Bauxili paper cups are not just practical tableware for children’s parties but also an easy way to bring a smile to kids’ faces. They are the perfect companion for any occasion and make every moment a special experience.

Bring color and joy to the table with Bauxili paper cups – a must-have for all little explorers and big dreamers!

Additional information

Weight ,01 kg
Dimensions 9,00 cm



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