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Unser hochwertiger Notizblock mit 100 Blatt ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für alle, die ihre Gedanken festhalten möchten. Mit einem stilvollen Motiv eines Notenblattes in einem sanften Grauton gedruckt, fügt sich dieser Notizblock nahtlos in Ihren Arbeitsbereich ein. Durch den Magnet auf der Rückseite können Sie ihn bequem an Ihrem Kühlschrank oder an anderen metallischen Oberflächen befestigen, um wichtige Notizen immer griffbereit zu haben.Zusätzlich zu diesem praktischen Notizblock erhalten Sie einen Bleistift der Härte HB in einem beruhigenden Hellblau. Jeder Bleistift ist mit dem Motiv von weißen Violinschlüsseln verziert, was ihm eine elegante Note verleiht und Ihre Kreativität inspiriert. Egal, ob Sie Notizen machen, skizzieren oder Ideen brainstormen, dieser Bleistift wird Ihr treuer Begleiter sein.Mit unserem Notizblock und dem passenden Bleistift haben Sie alle Werkzeuge zur Hand, um Ihre Gedanken festzuhalten und Ihre Kreativität auszudrücken. Gönnen Sie sich noch heute dieses praktische und stilvolle Set und halten Sie Ihre Ideen stets griffbereit!

Notepad Sheet music midi light blue

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Notepad Sheet music midi light blue

Our high-quality notepad with 100 sheets is an indispensable tool for anyone looking to capture their thoughts. Printed with a stylish motif of a sheet music in a soft gray tone, this notepad seamlessly integrates into your workspace. With a magnet on the back, you can easily attach it to your refrigerator or other metallic surfaces, keeping important notes within reach.

In addition to this practical notepad, you’ll receive a HB hardness pencil in a soothing light blue. Each pencil is adorned with the motif of white violin keys, giving it an elegant touch and inspiring your creativity. Whether you’re taking notes, sketching, or brainstorming ideas, this pencil will be your faithful companion.

With our notepad and matching pencil, you have all the tools at your disposal to capture your thoughts and express your creativity. Treat yourself to this practical and stylish set today and keep your ideas readily accessible!


incl. 20% tax. | excl. shipping costs

23 in stock

Totals 6,90 

Notepad Sheet music midi light blue

Our high-quality notepad with 100 sheets is an essential tool for anyone looking to jot down their thoughts. Printed with a stylish motif of a sheet music in a soft gray tone, this notepad seamlessly integrates into your workspace. With a magnet on the back, you can easily attach it to your refrigerator or other metallic surfaces to keep important notes within reach.

In addition to this practical notepad, you’ll also receive a HB pencil in a soothing light blue. Each pencil is adorned with the motif of white violin keys, adding an elegant touch and inspiring your creativity. Whether you’re taking notes, sketching, or brainstorming ideas, this pencil will be your faithful companion.

The high quality of the notepad ensures a smooth writing experience, while the generous 100-sheet count provides ample space for all your thoughts and ideas. Whether you use it for work, school, or personal notes, this notepad offers the flexibility you need to stay organized and productive.

With our notepad and matching pencil, you’ll have all the tools you need to capture your thoughts and express your creativity. Treat yourself to this practical and stylish set today and keep your ideas close at hand!

Whether at home, in the office, or on the go, this notepad is an indispensable companion for those who value organization and creativity. Make it a part of your daily routine and experience the benefits of a well-organized mind!

Additional information

Weight 0,17 kg


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