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Company Name: VIENNA WORLD – Brigitte Peschel GmbH

Adress: 1160 Wien
Römergasse 36
Email Adress:

UID-Number: ATU62325424
Company register number: FN274619b
Company register court: Commercial court Vienna
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Wholesale Division
Supervisory authority: Municipal district office of the 16th district
DVR: 1044915
Commercial law regulations: Trade regulations
( )
Managing Partner: Thomas Peschel-Credner
Authorized representative: Brigitte Credner-Forstinger

Business purpose: Concepts and products for music and museums

Monday – Friday from 08:00-12:00

Please send orders and general inquiries to!

Company register number: FN274619b
UID Number: ATU62325424
EORI: ATEOS1000015189

ARA 14449

Die Erste
IBAN: AT75 2011 1000 0671 0050
Registered office Vienna, Vienna Regional Court

Technical implementation and support: LEMONTEC

Legal information
The contents of the VIENNA WORLD pages are legally protected. The contents of the pages are provided in their current form and in their current state. Copyright Brigitte Peschel GmbH – All rights reserved We reserve the right to change or update the information on this site at any time and without prior notice. VIENNA WORLD may also make improvements and/or changes in the services and/or the programs without notice, and the distribution, modification, transmission or publication of any material without the express permission of VIENNA WORLD is prohibited. All copyrights and proprietary content from downloaded materials must be retained. By transmitting messages to any of our servers via the VIENNA WORLD homepage, you agree that
a) this material does not contain anything that is unlawful or otherwise unsuitable for publication;
b) you have made reasonable efforts to scan messages and documents for viruses before sending them and to remove any viruses or other contaminated or destructive features found;

Data protection
Most pages of the VIENNA WORLD website can be visited without identification. For the use of some of our interactive pages, it is necessary for users to identify themselves in order to be able to use the interactive services offered. In such cases, users are requested to enter this personal information, and we treat our data as assets that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. We use information security techniques to appropriately protect confidential information from unauthorized access by users inside and outside the company. Access to customer data is only granted to VIENNA WORLD employees who need it for professional purposes and who have been trained to treat such data confidentially, and use of the content of these pages is at the sole risk of the user. In no event shall VIENNA WORLD be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of the use of this website. Also excluded is any liability for loss of profit, loss of business, loss of data or damage to the computer system, even if you have informed VIENNA WORLD of the possibility of such damage.

We work exclusively on the basis of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of VIENNA WORLD. 

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